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This is a long list of all the XML tags that the program uses. I've attempted to give them some semblance of order, rather than just listing them alphabetically. See the accompanying HowTo file for an introduction to the concepts involved. As I said there, I am available for clarification – there are things that may seem obvious to me and hence I haven't explained them clearly (or at all).
For each tag, the list of recognised attributes is given. Square brackets indicate an optional attribute. For the attribute values, a character indicating the value type has been given. A 'B' indicates a boolean value (any string starting with a 't' or 'T' is interpreted as 'true'; any string starting with a 'f' or 'F' is interpreted as 'false'). A 'N' indicates an integer. A 'V' indicates a value, which may be either an integer or the name of a (non-empty) variable. A 'S' indicates some sort of text string – if not explained, it's either an identifier or a description visible to the player.
Common tags
<section name="S" [dock="S"]
[boxes="N"] [profession="S"] [start="B"]
[tag="S"] [image=”S”] [todock=”S”]>
root element for most files.
name – The title displayed at the top of the document. Generally this matches the filename, though it may be longer (eg. for the section describing a starting character)
boxes – The number of checkboxes displayed after the section title.
dock – The dock location, if cargo is being bought or sold at this location, or the character's current ship is docking here, or a ship will be sailed from here. See goto for related attributes. Any ships with a matching dock will be enabled.
image – The filename of an image to be displayed in this section. This should be found somewhere in the path defined for this book.
profession – The profession of the starting character being described in this section. This is only used when starting a new game, before the character choice has been finalised.
start – When true, signals the first section of a new book. Whichever character the player has chosen will be finalised.
tag – One or more tags that identify the 'type' of section, comma-separated. If the player has an extra choice with one of these tags, it will be activated.
todock – When the character leaves this section, any ships at sea that the character isn't in will be moved to the given dock. This is handy if the player has gained a ship while at sea, since only one can be sailed at a time.
Groups each paragraph of text. When a
section has only one paragraph, it isn't usually necessary.
<goto section="S" [book="S"]
[force="B"] [sail="B"] [visit="B"]
[dead=”B”] [flee=”B”] [codeword=”S”]
[revisit=”B”] [price/flag=”S”]>
to another section.
section – The filename (without extension) of the section to turn to. If book isn't present, the default text is 'turn to S', where S is the new section. If the section name is found in the content, it will be shown as bold.
book – The book containing the new section. If this is present, the default text is 'book title S', where S is the new section. If this book isn't available, the action will be disabled.
force – If true, this action will block any later ones from execution; if false, the action is optional. The default is true, unless sail is also true.
sail – If true, requires a ship to be present at this location to be sailed on. Once a single ship is chosen and the action activated, its location will become 'at large'.
visit – Whether the section being jumped to is one that will be returned from. At the moment this is unnecessary, but is probably good practice.
dead – Enables the action only if the character's state matches this (ie. if true, the character must be dead to follow this). Defaults to false.
flee – Flees from the current fight. When the character enters a fight, this will be enabled (unless a <flee> node is also present); it will disabled once the fight is won or lost.
codeword – The codeword(s) that must be present for this action to be enabled. Multiple codewords must be divided by '|' (meaning OR) or '&' (meaning AND).
revisit – If the player may immediately <return> to this section, setting this to true means that this goto will stay enabled. For an example, see the docks in Yellowport and Marlock City.
price – If the indicated price has been 'paid' (or set with a <tick> element), this goto will be disabled. See sections 5.365 or 6.628 for examples.
flag – If the indicated price has not been paid, this goto will be disabled.
[name="S"] [bonus="N"] [buy="N"]
[sell="N"] [tags="S"] [buytags="S"]
[group="S"] [quantity="N"] [replace=”S”]
[flag=”S”] [profession=”S”]>
<armour ...>
<tool ... [ability="S"]>
item that can be taken by the character. The default text is the
complete name of the item. A weapon is an item that can be
wielded, one at a time, with a bonus to Combat. A tool is an
item that adds a bonus to an ability; only the tool with the best
bonus for an ability will be used. A piece of armour can be
worn, and gives a bonus to Defence. An item is anything else.
If one of these tags is used within a <market> tag, it
will be displayed as a row in the market, allowing the item to be
bought and sold.
name – The name of the item. This will be capitalised as necessary, and the relevant ability, bonus and effects will be added when printed. When weapons are bought or sold at a market, this attribute can be missing. A '?' can be used to indicate a single item matching all other supplied attributes; a '*' indicates all items matching the supplied attributes. Occasionally more than one item can be indicated by including multiple item names, each separated by a '|'. For example, in the Aku market you can buy an
<item name="fur cloak|wolf pelt" buy="100" sell="90"/>
which is listed as a 'Fur cloak or wolf pelt'. If the name is of the form “N <thing>s”, where N is a number, the item is treated as N units of the given currency, which may stack with pre-existing amounts of the same currency (eg. Mithrals).
bonus – The bonus that the item gives. This is either an integer, or a value of the form 'X+' to indicate an item with a bonus greater than or equal to X.
ability – The ability that the bonus applies to.
buy – The money required to buy the item.
sell – The money that the item can be sold for.
tags – one or more hidden attributes kept with this item, separated by commas. The tag 'keep' indicates that the item won't be removed by wild-card item losses (though a specific name match will remove it).
buytags – one or more of the usual tags that will be set on this item when sold. An item being sold via this action does not need to possess these tags, but any item bought will have these tags. This is used to mark the free items bought at a market in book 3.
quantity – The number of items that can be taken before disabling (defaults to 1).
group – Used with the items tag, when only a limited number of objects can be taken by the character.
replace – The name of a possession of the character that should be replaced by this item. May have an empty value, in which case the item replaced should have the same name. This can be used to replace a 'harmless' item collected by the player with one having good (or bad) effects.
flag – Taking this item will clear the matching price flag (and the item cannot be taken until the price flag is set). Sometimes combined with the quantity attribute.
profession – Only used in the 'Adventurers.xml' file, to indicate an item possessed by the specified profession.
using – When used within another element, matches only the weapon/armour being wielded/worn by the character. See 2.267 for an example.
An item can be indicated entirely within the attributes of another element (like <if>, <lose>, <choice> and others). In this case the item type (item, weapon, tool or armour) is used to supply the item's name. For example,
<lose weapon="?" bonus="1"/>
is an action that will remove a weapon with a bonus of +1 from the character.
<choices>, <outcomes>, <table>
a set of choices or outcomes. Generally the elements within the
table can be mixed, as long as the number of columns matches up.
var – Used only in the <outcomes> element, for a set of outcomes that use the same var and may be repeatedly enabled. See 6.731 for the only (buggy) example.
<choice [box="S"] [god="S"] [item
tags] [pay=”B”] [profession="S"]
[shards="V" [currency="S"]]>
One of a
set of available choices, arranged in a table. Each choice consists
of an automatic goto and a description (enclosed by the start and
end tag). All attributes used by goto can be present here.
box – The codeword that must be present for this option to be enabled. Changes to the codeword made within the section will immediately affect this option. To show a checkbox as part of the choice description, include the text '{box}'; this will match the codeword state.
currency – The currency of the money indicated by shards. Defaults to 'Shards'.
flee – If true, this option will be enabled when a fight within the section commences, and disabled afterwards.
god – The god that the character must worship to select this option.
item tags – The item that the character must possess to select this option.
pay – Whether the money/item will be removed if the character takes this choice. If shards is present, defaults to true; if an item is present, defaults to false.
profession – The profession that the character must belong to to select this option.
shards – The amount of money the character must have to select this option.
Blessings are specified by the blessing attribute (containing the name of the blessing). As usual, an '*' matches all blessings, and a '?' matches a single one. The possible values:
defence – Defence through Faith. The bonus attribute optionally specifies the Defence bonus (defaults to 3).
disease/poison – Immunity to Disease/Poison.
injury – Immunity to Injury.
luck – Luck.
storm – Safety from Storms.
<outcome [blessing="S"] [codeword="S"]
[flag="S"] [range="S" [var="S"]]
Usually one of a set after a dice roll has occurred,
with one being enabled. It can also be used to group a block of text
and actions, as if it were an if tag. All attributes used by
goto can be present here.
blessing – A blessing that must be possessed for this option to enable.
codeword – One or more codewords that must be possessed for this option to enable. Multiple codewords may be combined with '|' or '&', to indicate a logical OR or AND respectively. The default text will be the list of codewords, separated by commas and the appropriate 'or'/'and' before the last codeword.
flag – The flag that must be set for this option to enable. Used in combination with other constraints (range or codewords) for a set of outcomes that can be repeatedly triggered.
range – A dice result range, specified as a single number, a range (X-Y) or two numbers (X,Y). The dice result is gotten from the anonymous variable, unless var is specified.
var – The variable holding the dice result with which range is compared.
Codewords are kept as a set of strings mapping to integers. A codeword is 'present' if it is in the set and maps to any integer other than 0. Tick counts are also kept with the codewords, with a codeword in the form 'book/section' mapping to the number of ticks. An arbitrary 'count' is also kept with the codewords (eg. your status at the Uttaku court).
<tick [ability="S" [effect=”S”]]
[addbonus="V"] [addtag="S"] [amount="V"]
[blessing="S" [permanent=”B”]] [bonus="V"]
[cache="S"] [cargo="S"] [codeword="S"]
[crew="S"] [flag="S"] [force="B"]
[god="S"] [hidden="B"] [item tags]
[name="S"] [price="S"] [profession=”S”]
[removetag="S"] [shards="V"] [special="S"]
[ticks="N"] [title="S" [titlePattern="S"
titleValue="N" titleAdjust="N"]]>
'Add' something to the character. There are many
possible actions here, so bear with me. Generally this action is
enabled, but the player is free to skip it. Note that only a
'single' action can be performed – such as adding an item, or
a codeword, or a title – rather than many actions. If you need
to perform multiple actions with one click, use the <group>
ability – The ability to add to (permanently). The amount is given in the amount attribute.
addbonus – An upgrade to the indicated item's main bonus.
addtag – A tag to add to an item.
amount – The value to add to an ability; this may be in the form of a 'dice' expression, id+j, where i and j are both integers.
blessing – A blessing to add the character's list of blessings. The name of the blessing will provide default content for this element.
bonus – Modifies either the blessing or the special attribute.
cache – The name of the cache to add the item/money to.
cargo – The Cargo Unit to add (to a present ship).
codeword – The codeword to add to the character's list. If the element has no content, the default text will be 'tick the codeword C'. Note that if the codeword name is found in the action text, it will be automatically italicised.
crew – A quality of crew to set for a present ship (one of 'poor', 'average', 'good' or 'excellent'). To change the crew quality by one or more steps (in either direction), use the <lose> element.
effect – Used with ability to add to or remove an effect from one of the character's abilities (a '-' prefix will remove the effect). The current effects are “fix”, which locks that attribute at a value of 1; and “curse”, which makes any ability rolls against that ability automatically fail (and treats the ability in other ways as if it were 0). Note that the Charisma ability includes a special case: a mask, while possessed (and presumably worn), will cancel these effects.
flag – The name of the flag that must be set before this action can be activated. Activating the action will clear the flag.
force – Whether this action needs to be activated before execution can continue. Defaults to true.
god – The name of the god that the character will switch to. May be empty, if the character is renouncing their existing god.
hidden – If true, the action is hidden and is automatically activated when it is reached.
item tags – One of the character's possessions to be modified. Note that this does not add an item; use the <item>, <weapon>, etc. tags for this purpose. See the addbonus, addtag and removetag attributes.
name – The name of the codeword to add ticks to. The amount attribute can also be used instead of ticks.
permanent – If true, indicates the blessing may be used repeatedly without being lost.
price – The name of the flag that must be clear for this action to be enabled. Activating the action will set the flag (and disable the action).
profession – A new profession for the player (only the regular six are recognised); more than one profession may be chosen from by using a '|'-separated list.
removetag – A tag to remove from an item.
shards – The number of Shards that can be gained. This provides the default text 'X Shards'.
special – An unusual, 'game' action: one of {attack, defence, armourlock, weaponlock, lock, unlock, difficultycurse, difficultyrestore, godless}.
'attack' gives a bonus to the character's rolls in the next fight; 'defence' gives a bonus to the character's Defence score during the next fight. Both of these actions use the bonus attribute, although the defence bonus defaults to 3.
'lock' (or 'freeze') and 'unlock' (or 'thaw') work on a cache, indicated by the cache attribute; the cache will temporarily ignore user access, or restore access.
'armourlock' stops the character from changing the worn armour, for the duration of the section; 'weaponlock', similarly, locks in the currently wielded weapon.
'difficultycurse' changes all difficulty rolls to be made with one die, while 'difficultyrestore' restores them to the usual two dice.
'godless' removes the character's ability to worship a god (clearing the currently worshipped god in the process).
ticks – The number of ticks to add to the checkboxes displayed with this section. If no attributes are present, this defaults to 1, with default text of 'put a tick there now'. Also used by the name attribute.
title – The name of the title to grant to the character. This can provide the default text.
titlePattern, titleValue, titleAdjust – Occasionally a title can be added that contains a value which may rise or fall (eg. Circle 1 Bokh master). In this case the form of the title is given by titlePattern, with '{0}' in the pattern being replaced by the current value. titleValue is the initial value displayed, if the character doesn't already have this title. titleAdjust is the amount to modify the value by, if the character does already have the title.
<lose [ability="S"
amount="V" [fatal="B"]] [blessing="S"
[permanent=”B”]] [cache="S"] [cargo="S"]
[codeword="S"] [crew="N"] [curse
attributes] [flag="S"] [force="B"]
[itemAt=”V”] [price="S"] [resurrection="B"]
[shards="V"] [ship="B"] [stamina="S"]
[staminato="V"] [item attributes [chance="S"]
[multiple="V"]] [title=”S”]>
something from the character. Note that multiple actions can be
included here, and all will be executed (eg. item="*"
shards="*" will remove all shards and items). If the
action would do nothing, it remains disabled and execution
ability – The ability to deduct amount from. This may be one of the six abilities, 'stamina', or 'rank'. A '?' lets the player choose which of the six abilities will be affected; a '*' means it affects all six abilities.
amount – The amount to deduct from ability. This may be a number, a variable name, or a dice expression. If an adjustment would reduce the ability to 0 or less this will kill the character (depending on the fatal attribute).
blessing – The blessing(s) to remove from the character. This can be one of the standard types, '?' or '*'.
cache – The name of the money or item cache to remove money and items from.
cargo – The cargo type to remove from the ship. If it's one of the known types, removes all cargo of that type from the current ship. It can also be '?', to remove a single cargo unit of the player's choice, or '*' to remove all cargo.
chance – This is only relevant if item="*" is present; it gives the probability (given as a fraction 'X/Y', between 0 and 1) for each item's removal.
codeword – A codeword to remove from the character. The default text if this is present is 'erase the codeword CODEWORD'. If the codeword is found in the action text, it will be automatically italicised.
crew – An integer 'step' to deduct from the current ship's crew. For example, a value of 1 will downgrade the crew from excellent to good, good to average, or average to poor. A negative value can also be used here to upgrade the crew, which complements the <gain crew="S"> action nicely.
curse attributes – The curse, poison or disease to remove from the character. The name of the curse will be used for the default text, if present.
fatal – Determines whether an adjustment made by ability and amount can kill the character. If true, and an ability would be reduced to 0, current stamina is reduced to 0 instead. Either way, the ability will only be reduced to 1.
flag – The name of the flag that must be set before this action can be activated. Activating the action will clear the flag.
force – Whether this action needs to be activated before execution can continue. Defaults to true.
item attributes – An item (or items) to remove from the character, or an item cache if cache is present. See also the chance and multiple attributes. If present, the default text will be the item description.
itemAt – Removes the item at the given position (from a cache or the character's possession). A '1' indicates the first item, a '2' the second, and so on. Currency will be skipped in this count; items with the 'keep' tag will remain.
multiple – The number of items removed from the character, or an item cache. Generally used with item="?" (or another item type).
permanent – If true, a blessing can be removed even if permanent.
price – The name of the flag that must be clear for this action to be enabled. Activating the action will set the flag (and disable the action).
resurrection – If true, clears the character's resurrection arrangements.
shards – The number of shards to remove from the character, or a cache if cache is present. This may be a number, a variable name, or '*' to indicate all available shards. If cache is present, the shards will be removed from the cache instead. The default text if this is present is 'X Shards'.
ship – If true, removes the 'current' ship (which the character is on, or is at the same location).
stamina – The amount to deduct from current stamina. This may be a number, a variable name, or in the form 'Xd + Y', where X is the number of dice to be rolled and Y is added to the result. The default text if this is present is 'lose X Stamina point(s)'.
staminato – The value to set the current stamina to. This may be a number or a variable name. This may actually restore stamina, if it is currently lower than the value given.
title – The name of a title that the character will lose. This will provide the default text if present.
<if [ability="S"
[modifier="S"]] [blessing="S"] [book="S"]
[cache="S"] [cargo="S"] [codeword="S"]
[crew="S"] [curse|poison|disease="S"] [dead="B"]
[docked="S"] [equals="V"] [gender="M/F"]
[god="S"] [greaterthan="V"] [item
attributes] [lessthan="V"] [name="S"]
[not="B"] [profession="S"] [resurrection="B"]
[shards="V"] [ship="S"] [ticks="N"]
[title="S"] [var="S"]>
<elseif ...
Test whether any one of the conditions
defined by the attributes are met; if so, the text and actions
between the start and end tag will be activated. If the conditions
in a leading <if> tag are not met, any following
<elseif> tags will be tested until one matches. A final
<else> tag (without attributes) will match if all
preceding tags have failed to. <if>s may be nested,
though I'd advise keeping it simple.
ability – An ability value to be tested against (see equals, lessthan and greaterthan). See also modifier, which affects the ability value.
blessing – Test whether the character possesses the given blessing.
book – Test whether the system can find the given book.
cache – If present, the name of the cache location of which any item or shards tested.
cargo – Test whether a ship at the current location has the given cargo. A '?' may be used to test for any cargo. See also docked.
codeword – Test whether the character has the given codeword. Multiple codewords may be given, separated by '|' or '&', to indicate a logical OR or AND respectively. If one of the codewords is found in the enclosed text, it will rendered in italics.
curse|poison|disease – Test whether the character has a curse with the given name. A '?' will test for any curse of the given type.
crew – Test whether a ship at the current location has a crew of this quality. See also docked.
dead – If true, test whether the character is dead (current stamina at zero, or natural score of any ability at zero); if false, the opposite.
docked – Matches a ship at the given location, rather than at the current location. Used in combination with cargo, crew or ship to match a ship at this location; if these are missing, tests for the presence of any ship at this dock.
equals – Test whether a number is equal to the value given by this attribute (a number or variable). Only one of equals, greaterthan or lessthan must be successful. The value being tested is given by ability, name or var. The number of items matched by the item attributes may also be tested against.
gender – Test the gender of the character ('m' or 'M' for male, 'f' or 'F' for female).
god – Test whether the character worships the given god. May be '*' to test whether the character worships any god.
greaterthan – Tests whether a number is greater than the value given by this attribute (a number or variable). See equals.
item attributes – Tests whether the character possesses the given item. If cache is present, the items matched must be in the named cache. See also equals.
lessthan – Tests whether a number is less than the value given by this attribute (a number or variable). See equals.
modifier – A modifier to any ability given by ability. This may be 'noweapon', 'noarmour', 'notool' or 'natural'; these exclude (respectively) the ability bonuses of a weapon, armour, a tool, or any of these things. The default is to include these bonuses.
name – Compares the value held by the codeword of this name. See equals.
not – If true, reverses the result of the tag; the tag will only match if all tests fail.
profession – Tests whether the character belongs to the given profession.
resurrection – Tests whether the character has any resurrection arrangements.
shards – Tests whether the character has at least this number of Shards. If cache is present, the Shards must be in the named cache.
ship – Tests whether there is a ship of the given type at the current location. See also docked.
ticks – Tests whether this section has this number of ticks.
title – Tests whether the character has the given title. Multiple titles may be tested for, separated by '|' or '&' to test for logical OR or AND respectively.
var – Tests whether the value held in this variable matches any comparisons. See equals.
<random [dice="N"]
[flag="S"] [force="B"] [type=”S”]
Simulate the roll of a number of
dice. The result will be stored in a variable, and execution will
continue from this point. This tag may contain a number of <adjust>
tags, which modify the result.
dice – The number of dice to roll (defaults to 2). This determines the default text – either 'roll one die', 'roll two dice', or 'roll X dice' for numbers larger than two.
flag – The flag that must be set for this action to enable. When activated, this action doesn't clear the flag; this is usually done by a related <outcome> tag.
force – Whether the player must activate this action to continue; defaults to true.
type – If 'travel', a blessing of Safe Travel may be used to reroll.
var – The variable that the result will be stored in; if missing, the anonymous variable is used.
<difficulty ability="S"
level="N" [flag="S"] [force="B"]
[modifier="S"] [var="S"]>
Handle an
ability roll. This rolls two dice, adds the player's ability score,
and subtracts the Difficulty of the roll from this. The result is
stored in a variable, with a value greater than 0 being a success,
and a non-positive result being a failure. The default text is 'make
a A roll at Difficulty L', where A is the ability name and L is the
Difficulty level. This tag may contain a number of <adjust>
tags, which modify the result.
ability – The ability being tested. This can be one or more ability names separated by a '|' character, or '?' to indicate a choice from all six abilities. If only one ability is given, it will be stored in a special variable so that the corresponding <success> and <failure> tags can use it automatically.
flag – The flag that must be set for this action to be enabled. When the action is activated, the flag is cleared.
force – Whether the player must activate this action to continue; defaults to true.
level – The Difficulty level of the roll.
modifier – A modifier to the ability used. This may be 'noweapon', 'noarmour', 'notool', or 'natural'; these exclude (respectively) the ability bonuses of a weapon, armour, a tool, or any of these things. The default is to include these bonuses. A final value, 'current', can be used with ability=”stamina” to make a roll against the current Stamina value.
var – The variable that the result will be stored in; if missing, the anonymous variable is used.
<rankcheck [add="N"]
[dice="N"] [force="B"] [var="S"]>
one or more dice, comparing the result to the character's Rank
ability. 'Success' is counted as rolling less than or equal to Rank;
'failure' is rolling more than Rank. The result can be tested for
using the <success> and <failure> tags, as
with the <difficulty> action.
add – The number to be added to the dice roll.
dice – The number of dice to roll; defaults to 1. The default text is 'roll one die', 'roll two dice', or 'roll X dice', depending on the value.
force – Whether this action is forced; defaults to true.
var – The variable into which the 'result' is stored. The result, in this case, is the character's Rank plus 1, minus the result of the dice. This means that success is indicated by the result being greater than zero, failure being less than or equal to zero (as for the <difficulty> action).
<success [ability="S"]
[section="S" [book=”S”]] [var="S"]>
... >
Handle the results of a <difficulty> or
<rankcheck> action. This can either be used as part of
a group of choices (within a <outcomes> or <choices>
tag) or as an <if> node, containing a block of text and
actions. Success is defined by the variable (by default, the
anonymous one) containing a value greater than zero; a lower value
indicates failure.
ability – The ability that was being tested, used in describing the default text. Usually unnecessary, since the previous <difficulty> action will define the ability being tested.
book – Used with the section attribute, as in a <goto> tag.
section – The section to which the player is directed; used when the tag is part of a group of outcomes.
var – The variable tested for success.
<group [force="B"]>
a sequence of actions with one 'click'. The <group> tag
should contain one or more action tags, usually preceded by a <text>
tag giving the action text. Group tags are tricky; their initial
enabled/disabled state is gotten from their first action 'child'; a
reroll triggered after the group tag will backtrack to the last
child action of the group. Use with care!
force – whether this action must be clicked; defaults to false.
<set [cache="S"]
[codeword="S"] [dock="S"] [force="B"]
[item attributes] [modifier="S"] [value="S"]
Assign a value to one of the
variables held for this section. May also be used to dock a ship. If
this action has no text, it will be hidden and automatically
cache – The name of the cache that the indicated item is located in.
codeword – If value is missing, the value of this codeword will be assigned to the variable var.
dock – The name of the dock at which a ship, in the current location, will be moved to. The usual way to dock ships is via the dock attribute of the root section tag.
force – Whether the action must be executed by the player (if not hidden). Defaults to true.
item attributes – An item which will be referred to by the value attribute.
modifier - A modifier to any ability used in value. This may be 'noweapon', 'noarmour', 'notool' or 'natural'; these exclude (respectively) the ability bonuses of a weapon, armour, a tool, or any of these things. The default is to include these bonuses.
value – The value to be assigned to var. This can be an expression including the symbols '(', ')', '*', '/', '+', '-', integers, and variable names. Other identifiers may also be used:
armour – The Defence bonus of the armour indicated by the item attributes.
crew – The value of the crew in the 'current' ship (poor = 1, average = 2, good = 3, excellent = 4).
shards – The number of Shards held by the player, or in the
weapon – The Combat bonus of the weapon indicated by the item attributes.
an ability name – the six standard ones, as well as 'rank', 'defence', and 'stamina'. modifier affects all of these; if 'stamina' and modifier is absent, the default is to use the current stamina.
var – The variable to assign the result of value to; if missing, the result will be assigned to the anonymous variable.
<training ability="S"
[add="N"] [dice="N"] [var="S"]>
the given number dice; if greater than the current value of the
given ability, raise that ability by one.
ability – The ability to be tested against and raised. Multiple abilities may be selected from using '*', '?', or by separating a list of ability names with '|'.
add – The value to add to the dice roll.
dice – The number of dice to be rolled; defaults to two. The default text is 'roll one die', 'roll two dice', or 'roll X dice', depending on the value of this attribute.
var – The variable to store the result in. The result, in this case, is the result of the dice roll plus add.
Less Common Tags
<rest [once="B"]
[shards="N"] [stamina="V"]>
some amount of the character's current Stamina. This can be as a
one-time Stamina restoration, or at inns and taverns where each paid
day of rest will restore some amount of Stamina.
once – whether the action can be triggered once only, or multiple times. Defaults to true if shards is absent, false otherwise.
shards – the amount of Shards to be paid for each 'unit' of Stamina restoration.
stamina – the amount of Stamina to restore. If absent, restores Stamina to its full amount. This may be an integer, a variable name, or a dice expression.
<adjust [ability="S"
[modifier="S"]] [amount="V"] [codeword="S"]
[crew="S"] [god="S"] [greaterthan="V"]
[item attributes] [lessthan="V"]
[modifier="S"] [name="S"] [profession="S"]
[ship="S"] [titleVal="S" [default="N"]]
Modify a random result. One or more
of these can be contained within an action that simulates rolling
dice (<random>, <difficulty>, <lose>,
<rankcheck>). If the tag 'matches', the value is added
to the reuslt.
ability – One of the ability names. This can be used without value or amount being present, in which case the value of the ability will be added to the result.
amount – The amount to add to the result if the tag matches. Identical to value.
codeword – A codeword that must be possessed by the player.
crew – The type of crew on the current ship ('poor', 'average', 'good' or 'excellent').
default – The value to use if the character doesn't have the title given by titleVal.
god – The god that must be worshipped by the character.
greaterthan – If the value given by ability or name are greater than this value, the tag is matched. May be a number or a variable name.
item attributes – An item (or items) that must be possessed by the character for this tag to match.
lessthan – If the value given by ability or name are less than this value, the tag is matched. May be a number or a variable name.
modifier – A modifier to the ability used. This may be 'noweapon', 'noarmour', 'notool' or 'natural'; these exclude (respectively) the ability bonuses of a weapon, armour, a tool, or any of these things. The default is to include these bonuses. 'current', with ability=”stamina”, accesses the current Stamina value.
name – The name of a field or codeword whose value we want to compare against, or use directly.
profession – The profession that the character must belong to.
ship – The type of ship that must be at the current location.
titleVal – The name of the title whose 'value' we want to use (see <tick> for a discussion of title patterns).
<itemcache name="S"
text="S" [itemlimit="N"] [max="N"]
[multiples="N"] [withdrawCharge="F"]>
... >
Define a cache in which the player can leave items
and/or money. A <moneycache> can only contain money,
while an <itemcache> may contain both. The name
of the cache is used as a unique identifier – it may be reused
in another section to display the same cache. See also the <tick>
tag and its special actions, 'lock' and 'unlock'; also see
<exclude> and <include>, affecting which
items can be left in the cache.
name – The unique identifier of the cache. For example, 'MerchantBank' is used to refer to the character's money deposited with the merchant's guild.
text – The description of the cache, shown on-screen.
itemlimit – For item caches, the maximum number of items that can be left there.
max – The maximum amount of money that can be left in a cache. Use '0' to bar money from this cache.
multiples – Money can only be deposited in multiples of this amount; for example, a merchant guild's investment uses a value of 100.
withdrawCharge – When withdrawing money, this proportion of the withdrawal will be removed. This is a floating point number (containing a decimal point, between 0 and 1).
<transfer [item
attributes] [excluded item attributes]
[force="B"] [from="S"] [hidden="B"]
[limit="V"] [price="S"] [shards="V"]
Transfer items or money between caches
and the player. The caches referred to in from and to
do not have to exist elsewhere.
item attributes – The item(s) to include in the transfer.
excluded item attributes – The item(s) to exclude from the transfer. The attributes used here are the same as for regular item attributes, but with a leading 'x'. For example, xweapon="*katana" xbonus="1+" would exclude any katana with a bonus of 1 or greater from the transfer. If one or more items are excluded, and no item attributes are present, all items not excluded will be transferred.
force – Whether this action has to be clicked before execution continues. Default is true.
from – The name of the cache from which items should be taken. If absent, items will be taken from the character's possession.
hidden – Whether this action is hidden, and hence automatically activated.
limit – The maximum number of items that can be transferred.
price – If present, the action can only be activated when this flag is clear, and clicking the action will set the flag.
shards – The amount of shards to be transferred by the action.
to – The name of the cache into which items should be deposited. If absent, items will be added to the character's possessions.
<adjustmoney [force="B"]
[multiply="F"] [name="S"]>
Adjust the
money held by the character or in a cache.
force – Whether this action must be activated; defaults to true.
multiply – The amount by which the money should be multiplied, rounding down. This is a floating point number (a positive number, possibly having a decimal point).
name – The name of the cache being affected. If absent, affects the character's Shards. The attribute cache can also be used for the same purpose.
<market [buy="B"]
[currency="S"] [sell="B"]>
Group a set
of articles that can be bought or sold into a table. Usually
articles are grouped under a matching <header> tag.
buy – whether any articles can be bought at this market; if so, a 'To buy' column will be included.
currency – the currency used at this market, in the singular. Defaults to Shards; this has only been used with a value of 'Mithral', in book 2.
sell – whether any articles can be sold at this market; if so, a 'To sell' column will be included.
<header [type="S"]
[header1="S" header2="S" ...]>
a row of column headers within a <market> tag. Either
the type attribute or a sequence of headerN attributes
must be present.
type – One of the predefined header types – one of "ship", "cargo", "armour", "weapon", "magic", "shipsale", or "other".
headerN – Defines a sequence of headers, starting with header1 and increasing the suffix for each subsequent header.
<trade [buy="N"]
[cargo="S"] [sell="N"] [ship="S"
initialCrew="S" [name="S"]]>
and/or sell a ship or its cargo. This is used within a <market>
tag, and is arranged as a table with aligned columns. Using matching
<header> and <trade> tags is the
responsibility of the writer.
buy – The money required to buy the article. If missing, the article cannot be bought; if any articles can be bought at this market, it will display a '–' instead.
cargo – The type of cargo unit that can be bought and sold.
initialCrew – The crew quality of the ship being bought.
name – The name of the ship being bought.
sell – The money awarded if the article is sold. If missing, the article cannot be sold; if any article can be sold at this market, it will display a '–' instead.
ship – The type of ship that can be bought and sold.
<buy [cargo="S"]
[crew="S"] [force="B"] [flag="S"]
[item attributes] [quantity="N"]
[shards="N"] [ship="S" [initialCrew="S"]
Allow the player to buy an item,
cargo, crew or ship.
cargo – The type of cargo unit that can be bought.
crew – The quality of crew that can be bought. The character must have a ship present with crew of the next lowest quality.
force – Whether this action must be executed; the default is false.
flag – The flag that must be set before this action will be enabled; when the action is clicked, this flag will be cleared.
initialCrew – The crew quality of the ship being bought.
item attributes – The item being bought.
name – The name of the ship being bought.
quantity – The number of times this action may be used before being permanently disabled.
shards – The price to be paid, in Shards.
ship – The type of ship that can be bought.
<sell [cargo="S"]
[item attributes] [price="S"] [quantity="N"]
[shards="N"] [ship="S"]>
Allow the
player to sell an item, cargo unit, or ship.
cargo – The type of cargo unit that can be sold.
item attributes – The item that can be sold; this match may be inexact, so that any matching items can be sold for this price.
price – The flag that must be clear for this action to be enabled; when the action is clicked, this flag will be set.
quantity – The number of articles that can be sold before the action becomes permanently disabled.
shards – The price that will be given, in Shards.
ship – The quality of ship to be sold.
<fight combat="N"
defence="N" name="N" stamina="N"
[abilityDamaged=”S”] [attackDice=”N”]
[fleeAt="N"] [group="S"] [playerDefence=”V”]
[playerFirst="B"] [preDamage=”V”]
[staminaLost=”S”] [useCache=”S”]>
up a fight for the character. This tag should be contained only by
the <section> tag, not a <p> tag. The tags
<fightround>, <fightdamage> and <flee>
all relate to a <fight> tag in the same section.
abilityDamaged – If present, specifies an ability of the character that will be decreased by damage instead of Stamina.
attackDice – The number of dice which the player rolls to attack; the defaults is 2, obviously.
combat – The Combat score of the opponent.
defence – The Defence score of the opponent.
fleeAt – The Stamina score at which the opponent will end the fight.
group – The group to which this fight belongs. All fights in this section with the same group will be simultaneous – that is, the character attacks once, then defends against each attacker. Probably still buggy when combined with other unusual attributes.
name – The name or title of the opponent.
playerDefence – If present, replaces the normal Defence value of the character.
playerFirst – Whether the player has the first attack; defaults to true.
preDamage – An amount of damage that should be immediately inflicted on the opponent (which may kill them before the fight begins).
stamina – The Stamina score of the opponent.
staminaLost – If present, the total damage done to the opponent will be stored in the given codeword.
useCache – The name of a cache which the opponent can use against the character; specifcally, any weapons or armour in that cache. This is useful if the opponent has temporarily taken items from the character.
Contains actions that will occur
between each round of the fight. After each attack and defence, all
text and actions contained by this tag will be activated in
pre – whether this tag should be activated before the first round, or only after; defaults to false.
Contains actions
that will occur whenever the opponent hits the character. Usually
this contains some action that will do damage of a different form to
the player (poison, ability loss, etc).
type – whether the actions occurring here are in addition to, or replace, the regular damage.
text and actions that can be used in turn if the player chooses to
flee an ongoing fight. If one of these tags is present, it will be
activated and ready to use when a <fight> commences;
after the fight it will be disabled. If there is a <goto>
or <choice> tag in the same section with the flee
attribute, it will only be activated once all actions within the
<flee> tag have been performed.
to define a description for an action or effect; between the start
and end tags there may be text and style tags. <text>
may be used by <group> to describe the whole action in
the text. Both tags may be present within an <effect>
tag - <text> will define what is shown in the section,
and <desc> will define what is shown in the list of the
item or curse's effects.
<resurrection [book="S"
section="S"] [flag="S"] [god="S"]
[shards="V"] [supplemental=”B”]
Either allow the character to make
or purchase resurrection arrangements, or trigger their existing
resurrection. In the former case, both book and section
must be present.
book – The book which the character will be sent to when the resurrection is triggered.
flag – The flag that must be set before this resurrection can be bought or triggered; when activated, this flag will be cleared.
god – The god granting this resurrection. If the character worships this god when the resurrection is bought, the resurrection will only remain while the character still worships the same god.
section – The section (in book) which the character will be sent to when the resurrection is triggered.
shards – The price to be paid for the resurrection arrangements.
supplemental – If true, this won't replace any previous arrangement.
text – A description of the resurrection location; the complete description of the resurrection, shown on the Adventure Sheet, includes this, the book title and section.
<curse [cumulative="B"]
[lift="S"] name="S">
<poison ...>
A curse, disease or poison
inflicted on the character. It usually contains one or more <effect>
tags, which will apply while the curse is in place. Curses can be
tested for and removed with the curse, disease, or
poison attributes, which will define the name of the affected
curse (a '?' or '*' matches a single curse or all curses of that
type); see <if> and <lose>. A cursed item
is done by including a <curse> tag within a <item>
tag; the resulting item will remain until the curse is specifically
cumulative – Whether the curse is cumulative. If so, and the curse is added more than once, the ability effect will increase in magnitude. See the <effect> tag.
lift – If present, the player can remove this curse by double-clicking the curse and answering this question in the affirmative. Relies on player's honesty. Currently only used in book 5, section 505.
name – The name of the curse.
<effect [ability="S"]
[bonus="N"] [divide="N"] [multiplier="N"]
[target="N"] [text="S"]
[type="aura|wielded|use"] [uses="N"]
Define an effect of an item or
curse. Effects may modify an ability, apply a temporary boost to an
ability, or perform some other action.
ability – The ability which is affected. Usually accompanied by one of bonus, divide or target. Alternatively, if the type is 'use', this may be used as the effect of a 'potion of attribute', which will temporarily raise the ability by one.
bonus – The bonus to apply to ability. This may be positive or negative.
divide – The amount by which the ability is divided.
multiplier – Multiplies the ability bonus. When part of a cumulative curse, the curse may be repeatedly added to the player to increase this value.
target – The value to which the ability is set.
text – A description of the effect, to be displayed with the item or curse. Alternatively, the tag may contain a <desc> tag.
type – Used only on items: the conditions under which the effect occurs. An 'aura' is applied while the item is possessed; if 'wielded', the item must be worn or wielded; otherwise, an item has to be 'used' for its effect to be applied. In this last case the tag should contain one or more actions that will occur.
uses – The number of times that an item can be 'used' before it disappears. If absent, there is no limit.
verb – The description of the way in which an item will be 'used', displayed in the popup menu eg. the character will 'Read' a book, or 'Drink' a potion.
<return [force="B"]>
to the last section. This reverses the effect of the last <goto>
called, returning to the previous section at the point at which it
was left, with all variables intact. Note that the program can't
handle two consecutive <return>s.
force – Whether the player must perform this action; defaults to true.
<items group="S"
A hidden tag that limits how many
items with a matching group attribute can be taken before
their actions are disabled.
group – All items with the same group attribute in this section will be affected by the limit.
limit – The number of matching items that can be taken.
Rare & Exotic Tags
{label="S"|text=”S”} name="S">
the value held in the codeword name (0 if the player doesn't
yet have that codeword). This value may be affected elsewhere, in
which case the value displayed will change. This is currently used
to display the player's status in the Uttaku court, or the current
bonus for some Difficulty rolls.
label – The displayed label for the field. The attribute text is equivalent.
name – The codeword to display.
[item attributes]>
<sold [item
These tags are used to perform a
hidden action when a matching article is bought or sold. They may be
contained within a <market> tag, in which case the item
attributes must be present, so that when a match is bought/sold
it will be activated. Alternatively, they may be contained within a
sub-tag of <market> - either a <trade> tag
or one of the <item> tags – in which case they
will be activated when the 'article' to which they are attached is
bought/sold. An action should be contained within this one; it will
be performed when this tag is activated.
This functionality is
used to mark a codeword when a 'free' item is sold at a market in
book 3, or when a particular item is sold at the market in Smogmaw.
item attributes – When an item is bought/sold matching these attributes, this tag will be activated.
<extrachoice [atbook="S"]
[atsection="S"] [book="S"] [key="S"]
[remove="S"] [section="S"] [tag="S"]
Set up (or remove) an extra choice
for the player. Extra choices will appear under the 'Extra Choices'
menu when at the appropriate section, and when activated will move
the character to a new section (as if it were a <goto>).
atbook – The book which the character must be in for this choice to be activated. Used with atsection.
atsection – The section (in atbook) which the character must be in for this choice to be activated.
book – The book that this choice will jump to. Used with section.
key – The key of this extra choice. Use of a key allows for another choice with the same key to replace it; the extra choice can also be removed with this key.
remove – Remove an existing extra choice. An extra choice with a key that matches this value will be removed.
section – The section (in book) that this choice will jump to.
tag – The section tag that will activate this extra choice. When the character enters a section that has this tag, the extra choice will be activated.
text – Used to define the text shown in the menu item.
<h2>, <h3>, <h4>
A heading within the text.
<h1> is the largest heading, <h4> the
smallest. Only used within the rule files (QuickRules.xml and
Rules.xml), though it could (theoretically) be used within a
<image file="S"
[book="S"] [title="S"]>
An action that
will display an image related to the current section. This is
usually a found map or diagram.
book – The book in which the image file is located.
file – The filename of the image file, located within the directory of the current book (or of the given book).
title – The title of the popup window showing the image.
<include item
<exclude item attributes
Limit an item cache to allow
only certain item types. One or more of these tags can be used
within an <itemcache> tag. If no <include>
tag is present, it will allow all items not specifically excluded;
otherwise an item must match an <include> tag and not
match an <exclude> tag.
item attributes – The type of item that can/cannot be left in this cache.
reason – The reason that an item can't be left at this cache; this will be displayed if the player attempts to move a matching excluded item into the cache.
the last dice roll that occurred. Equivalent to using a Luck
blessing; it must be the very next action that occurs after the dice
<sectionview title="S"
Show a window which will display a
random series of sections.
random – The number of random sections that will be shown.
title – The title of the popup window.
<while var="S">
activate a block of text and actions, until a variable has been
assigned a value. Currently only used in two sections, so it's
somewhat under-tested.
var – A variable name. While no value has been assigned to this variable, the block will keep looping.
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